Line 55: |
Line 55: |
| initComplete: function () { | | initComplete: function () { |
| |
| $('input:checkbox').on('click', function () {
| |
| var topics = $('input:checkbox[name="topic"]:checked').map(function() {
| |
| return '' + this.value.replace('+', '.') + '';
| |
| }).get().join('|');
| |
| table.column(3).search(topics, true, false, false).draw(false);
| |
| });
| |
| |
| $('.clear-filter').click(function(){
| |
| |
| $(this).closest('.topics-filter-group').find('input:checkbox:checked').prop('checked', false);
| |
| $(this).closest('.topics-filter-group').find('.mw-ui-button').removeClass('shaded');
| |
| $(this).hide();
| |
| $('#current-filters-topics').empty();
| |
| updateFilters();
| |
| });
| |
| |
| $('input').click(function(){
| |
| var children = $(this).closest('.topics-filter-group').find($('input:checked'));
| |
| var close = $(this).closest('.topics-filter-group').find('.clear-filter');
| |
| var fbutton = $(this).closest('.topics-filter-group').find('h4');
| |
| if ($(children).length) {
| |
| close.show();
| |
| fbutton.addClass('shaded');
| |
| } else {
| |
| close.hide();
| |
| fbutton.removeClass('shaded');
| |
| }
| |
| updateFilters();
| |
| });
| |
| |
| |
| window.table1=table;
| |
| |
| $('input[name="topic"]').change(function() {
| |
| var value = $(this).val(); // Get the value of the checkbox
| |
| var isChecked = $(this).prop('checked'); // Check if checkbox is checked
| |
| |
| if (isChecked) {
| |
| // If checkbox is checked, append its value to the div
| |
| $('#current-filters-topics').append('<span>' + value + '</span>');
| |
| } else {
| |
| // If checkbox is unchecked, remove its value from the div
| |
| $('#current-filters-topics').find('span:contains(' + value + ')').remove();
| |
| }
| |
| });
| |
| |
| var input = document.querySelector('[id^="dt-search"]');
| |
| |
| input.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
| |
| updateFilters();
| |
| });
| |
| |
| function updateFilters() {
| |
| var filterData = {
| |
| 3: { array: [], name: 'topic' }
| |
| };
| |
| |
| // Build unique arrays for each filter type
| |
| for (var key in filterData) {
| |
| var column = parseInt(key, 10);
| |
| var dataArray = filterData[key].array;
| |
| |
| table.columns(column, { search: 'applied' }).data().eq(0).unique().toArray().forEach(function(item) {
| |
| dataArray.push.apply(dataArray, item.split(';'));
| |
| });
| |
| |
| dataArray = Array.from(new Set(dataArray)); // Deduplicate array
| |
| }
| |
| |
| // Filter checkboxes based on available data
| |
| for (var key in filterData) {
| |
| var dataArray = filterData[key].array;
| |
| var filterName = filterData[key].name;
| |
| |
| var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="' + filterName + '"]');
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
| |
| var checkbox = checkboxes[i];
| |
| var value = checkbox.value;
| |
| var isAvailable = dataArray.indexOf(value) !== -1;
| |
| if (isAvailable) {
| |
| checkbox.parentNode.classList.remove('d-none');
| |
| checkbox.parentNode.classList.add('d-flex');
| |
| } else {
| |
| checkbox.parentNode.classList.remove('d-flex');
| |
| checkbox.parentNode.classList.add('d-none');
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| }
| |
| } | | } |
| }); | | }); |
| } | | } |
| }); | | }); |
* Datatables definitions
* @example <>
if( $('link[href$="datatables.min.css"]').length ){
// do nothing
} else {
$('<link/>', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
href: 'https://cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/dt-2.0.8/b-3.0.2/cr-2.0.3/date-1.5.2/fc-5.0.1/fh-4.0.1/r-3.0.2/rg-1.5.0/rr-1.5.0/sc-2.4.3/sb-1.7.1/sp-2.3.1/sl-2.0.3/sr-1.4.1/datatables.min.css'
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: true });
mw.loader.getScript( 'https://cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/dt-2.0.8/b-3.0.2/cr-2.0.3/date-1.5.2/fc-5.0.1/fh-4.0.1/r-3.0.2/rg-1.5.0/rr-1.5.0/sc-2.4.3/sb-1.7.1/sp-2.3.1/sl-2.0.3/sr-1.4.1/datatables.min.js' )
function () {
if( $('#research-notes').length ) {
var table = $('#research-notes').DataTable({
dom: '<"top"lf>rt<"bottom"ip><"clear">',
columns: [
{ "title": "Page" },
{ "title": "File" },
{ "title": "URL" },
{ "title": "Topic" },
{ "title": "Note" },
{ "title": "User" },
{ "title": "Date" }
columnDefs: [
type: 'date',
targets: [ 6 ]
aaSorting: [
[ 1, "desc" ]
pageLength: 100,
lengthMenu: [
[50, 100, 250, -1],
['50 per page', '100 per page', '250 per page', 'Show all']
language: {
searchPlaceholder: 'Search in notes',
searchBuilder: {
title: ''
lengthMenu: '_MENU_',
initComplete: function () {